Sunday, May 29, 2011

Big Girl Beds and Tears

The big girl bed . . . . . . was Scarlett's.

The tears . . . . . . . . were Mommy's.

So our little peanut is growing up!

Scarlett had her two month birthday this week. This meant her two month check-up as well, which I was dreading a bit because I wasn't sure that I really wanted to know how much she weighed now. She came in at 11 pounds 4 ounces, 23.5 inches and she is just slightly above average for weight and length. She is a growing girl and is meeting all of the milestones that the doctor would like to see.

Jason and I had been planning to move her to her crib this weekend since it's a long weekend and would give us an extra day in case Scarlett had trouble with the adjustment. We should have known that this wouldn't even phase our little sleeping beauty, she has been quite the sleeper since day one. She did great in her big girl crib, mom didn't take as well though. I just can't help but get overwhelmed with emotions when I think about how quickly she is growing up.

Here she is in her own room in her crib. Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Just Rompin' Around

Thank you Auntie Lindsay for the adorable flower headband! Love you!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Scarlett's First Mariner Game

We didn't think that we would take Scarlett to her first Mariners Game until next season, since she is still so little, but considering that the Mariners haven't been doing so well and that it was a late weekday game, we thought it wouldn't be too loud or too crowded, so we decided to take Scarlett to her first Mariners Game.

We of course didn't make it to see the opening pitch because, well, we have a baby and she decides when she eats. We also had to stop by the family restroom before making it to our seats, and this is when we heard that Felix had already given up two runs in the top of the first inning, that's right, before we even made it to our seats.

We spent most of the game walking the stadium since Scarlett likes to move. We had a great time and Scarlett got a certificate commemorating her first Mariners Game. Her are some of the pictures, enjoy!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rompy Days

Scarlett has officially outgrown her Newborn clothes, and is now into her 3 month clothes. It is sad to think how quickly she is growing, I wish I could slow down time, but her new summertime clothes are so cute!!! So I am totally obsessed with Rompers! The weather has not been cooperating very well lately but the slightest hint of sun and it is "Rompy Day" at the Stanton house, here's what it looks like :)

My First Mother's Day

We had been waiting so long for our little baby, so this Mother's Day was very special to me! It could not feel better to be able to spend the day with my beautiful girl.

My First Easter

Living the Good Life

Wow, the time has been flying by! I know it's been way too long since my last post, but I will get back to blogging more often.

So the last 7 weeks have been the best of Jason's and my life. We are amazed every day at how beautiful and sweet little Scarlett is.

She has begun to start cooing, she has gotten more interested in her animal friends that hang from bouncer and on her activity mat. She is getting really good at smiling and her dad is her favorite smiling buddy! Here is a picture of her in her bathtub with her goofy smiley face :) Scarlett has had active legs since she was in the womb but her legs are getting really strong and she can now support her weight with head held high. Enjoy the pictures!